SAN DIEGO –Parents and grandparents know what it is like to introduce our children to a group and kvell when they give a very good account of themselves.
But Congressman Scott Peters, D-San Diego, was able to kvell in a different way as the U.S. House of Representatives began a regular session on Tuesday, March 4.
He was able to tell his colleagues that the chaplain of the day, who had just prayed for their guidance, was none other than his own father, the Rev. Harvey Peters of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.
The freshman Democrat noted that his father, who now lives in retirement in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, had been a leader in Detroit for housing desegregation and credited the reverend’s strong, principled stands for the commitment he tries to follow as a congressman.
It was a nice occasion, and, to Rev. Peters, Congressman Peters and to the reverend’s wife, Ruth Ann, who once served as a church secretary, we’d like to wish a great big “mazal tov!” May your family go from strength to strength, from generation to generation!
–Donald H. Harrison
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