Since becoming a member the U.S. House of Representatives in 2013, his priorities have been to fix a broken Congress, create high-quality jobs, keep America safe, keep our promises to our veterans, make college more affordable for middle-class families, ensure every American has clean air and water, and enact comprehensive immigration reform. Scott has a solid reputation as someone who is willing to reach across the aisle and achieve bipartisan solutions to tough problems.
While many in Washington seem more interested in political gamesmanship and blaming others for the problems we face, Scott has forged a different path. He’s introduced multiple bills to make college more affordable, become a nationally recognized leader in the fight to reduce gun violence, has been a strong voice for our nation’s military, become a global leader on climate action, and has repeatedly stood up to attempts to take away a woman’s right to make her own healthcare decisions.

Standing Up for What’s Right
Scott learned the importance of standing up for what’s right from his father, a now-retired Lutheran minister, who worked for housing desegregation and improved race relations after riots ravaged Detroit in the 1960s. He’s taken those values to Congress – standing up for Voting Rights, full LGBT equality, and for protecting Dreamers and immigrants. He was recognized as one of the most articulate voices on the House Judiciary committee arguing against Republicans who tried to defund Planned Parenthood and allow employers to deny coverage for basic women’s health care, like birth control. He’s also been a staunch and outspoken advocate for getting the vast sums of special interest money out of politics, limiting the influence of secret SuperPACs and returning government to We The People.
Scott has been endorsed by End Citizen’s United and the US Campaign.

Making College More Affordable
As the son of a minister and a secretary who needed student loans and work-study programs to get through college, Scott has worked to expand educational opportunities by helping to pass a law to lower student loan interest rates and by ensuring his bipartisan bill to provide tax breaks to employers who help their employees pay off their debt became law.

Greater Economic Opportunity for All
In Congress, Scott Peters has been a leading voice for more investment in San Diego’s science, engineering, biotechnology, and research to create the high-wage jobs of the future.
Scott has advocated for record high increases in funding for basic scientific research through the National Institutes of Health, which funds research at many San Diego labs and universities, and he voted to extend tax credits that incentivize private sector investment in wind and solar energy to support San Diego’s renewable energy industry.
Scott also forced a delay of the medical device excise tax that would hurt San Diego innovators, and led Democrats and Republicans to secure almost $450 million for the San Diego border crossing that regional business leaders called San Diego’s top priority for job creation. The improved crossing will strengthen border security and create thousands of jobs by improving the flow of trade and commerce. The San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce and Downtown San Diego Partnership, who advocate for job creation and supporting San Diego’s innovation economy, have endorsed Scott.

His Background
Before being elected to Congress, Scott served as chair of the San Diego Unified Port District – a major economic engine that produces tens of thousands of high-skill, high-wage jobs for San Diegans. The Port manages the state tidelands in and around San Diego Bay, which produces billions of dollars in direct economic impact to the region and supports middle class jobs for more than 40,000 San Diegans.
Scott served at the Port after completing two terms on the San Diego City Council, where he was San Diego’s first City Council President, elected to the role three years in a row by his colleagues. While at the City, Scott pursued greater accountability and efficiency in government. He led the creation of a new council/mayor form of government with an independent budget review function; created an independent audit function; hired the City’s first independent budget analyst; completed over $2 billion in downtown redevelopment including a new major league ballpark that generated more than 19,000 jobs; delivered an 80% reduction in sewer spills and beach closure days; set new standards for energy and water conservation in new development; and completed major district infrastructure, including Highway 56.

Prior to entering public service, Scott had a 16-year legal career in private practice, specializing in environmental law. He worked as an associate at large law firms, as a Deputy County Counsel for the County of San Diego, and had his own small law firm.
Scott has also worked extensively as a leader to grow our economy, improve education, and protect the environment, including service as a member of the boards of the San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation, CleanTECH San Diego, the UCSD Chancellor’s Community Advisory Board, and as Chair of the Climate Initiative at The San Diego Foundation.
Scott earned his undergraduate degree from Duke University and worked as an economist for the United States Environmental Protection Agency before attending New York University School of Law. He and his wife of 34 years, Lynn, are 30+ year residents of the now 50th District. They live in La Jolla and have a grown daughter and son.