Rep. Peters Pushes for Action on Immigration Reform
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Scott Peters (CA-52) released the following statement after joining with more than 15 freshman colleagues and Minority Whip Steny Hoyer to call for a vote on H.R. 15, the bipartisan Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill, which was introduced last month. Although the bill has 190 cosponsors, Republican leadership has signaled that comprehensive immigration reform will not be considered this year.
“There’s no time like the present to pass comprehensive immigration reform. The Senate passed its version in June on a wide, bipartisan vote and it’s now time for the House to act. As an original cosponsor of H.R. 15, I will continue to push for its adoption. The bill would lead to a more secure border, bolster economic growth, improve border infrastructure, reduce the deficit, keep DREAMers united with their families, and bring people out of the shadows. This commonsense legislation deserves consideration now.”