FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 23, 2014CONTACT: Lucas O’Connor, [email protected]
Public Safety Groups EndorseScott Peters for Re-Election to Congress
Peters is the candidate first responders trust to keep San Diego safe
San Diego – Representatives of San Diego’s lifeguards, fire fighters, and police officers came together today to announce their endorsement of Scott Peters for re-election to the 52nd Congressional District. With a record of supporting Republicans, Independents and Democrats, the organizations representing San Diego’s first responders are united in their endorsement of Peters. Most recently, the San Diego Police Officers Association endorsed Kevin Faulconer for Mayor.
“While residents were being evacuated away from the flames last week, our firefighters were running head on into them to protect our homes, our families, and our businesses,” said Peters. “Every year our brave police officers are killed in the line of duty, and our lifeguards, too, put themselves at risk to save others along our coastline. I could not be more proud to stand with public safety today and to have their support.”
“Time and time again, Scott Peters has proven he is a leader law enforcement can rely on,” said Brian Marvel, President of the San Diego Police Officers Association. “In contrast, we were reminded during Peace Officers Memorial Week that Carl DeMaio voted against death benefits for the widows and orphans of officers killed in the line duty. This isn’t just about his votes against public safety; it speaks to his character. Carl DeMaio does not belong in Congress.”
“Fire fighters and their families know we can count on Scott Peters to give us the tools we need to protect your families and ourselves,” said Cory Beckwith, Vice President of the San Diego City Fire Fighters Association. “We also know we can not trust Carl DeMaio. He cares more about political opportunism than about keeping San Diegans safe. San Diego’s fire fighters strongly urge you to vote for Scott Peters for Congress,” said Beckwith.
“Throughout his career, Scott Peters has fought for safe, clean beaches,” sand San Diego lifeguard Lonnie Stephens. “We’re often faced with difficult endorsement decisions, but this one is easy. Scott Peters is the candidate we can rely on as our partner to best protect our beaches and give us the resources we need to protect beachgoers.”
In Congress, Scott Peters cosponsored of the Wildfire Prevention Act, which would allow states to receive more funding from FEMA for wildfire mitigation, which is critical for areas like ours. More recently, Peters authored an amendment to the defense budget, which was adopted yesterday, that prevents the Department of Defense from taking over firefighting efforts and support aircraft currently operated by the California National Guard and the Governor – an action that is critical to local fire fighting efforts.
While on the San Diego City Council, Peters helped increase public safety budgets by 45 percent. The Fire Department was able to add fire fighters, buy new equipment and implement a new brush management program. The increase also helped the Police Department keep more trained officers on the street.
Scott Peters is a freshman member of Congress, elected in 2012. He is a member of the House Armed Services Committee and the Science, Space and Technology Committee. Scott Peters is the only candidate in the race with a demonstrated track record of working across party lines to get things done. In addition to public safety, Peters is endorsed by worker advocates, women’s rights groups, and national environmental organizations. He is also backed by some of San Diego’s most prominent Republican business leaders, including five former Chairmen of the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce.