CONTACT: Lucas O’Connor, 858-571-7424
Carl DeMaio’s Pattern of Deception:
San Diego – Last week Carl DeMaio took to the airwaves to attack Rep. Scott Peters for taking a $20,000 per year pension he earned during his eight years on the San Diego City Council.
The truth – Peters DONATES the pension he earned during that time – plus an additional $5,000 per year – right back to the City to support public libraries.
“What’s more outrageous – this attack comes from a guy who made his millions off of federal contracts, over $300,000 of which were non-competitive. This is classic Carl DeMaio; He’ll say or do anything for his own political purposes and as part of a campaign for his next publicly funded paycheck,” said Peters’ Deputy Campaign Manager Kate Lyon.
“Mr. DeMaio is well aware that Scott does not keep a penny of his city pension but rather donates it – and then some – right back to the city to fund the public library system,” said Lyon. “Yet in his most recent attack, he failed to reveal this in a shameful attempt to hoodwink the press and deceive the voters.”
In addition to donating his City pension, Peters declined the Congressional pension and healthcare when he was elected to Congress, and helped pass the ‘No Budget No Pay’ law soon after he took office, said Lyon. Peters also donated his pay during the government shutdown ($7,500) to local charities, and ‘sequestered’ his pay when other federal agencies were facing these same cuts.
A recent editorial from a San Diego newspaper had this to say about DeMaio’s unbridled ambition:
“DeMaio is just the most hideous kind of political opportunist. Sure, most politicians do it to an extent, but DeMaio is opportunism and crazed ambition on steroid-boosted steroids. It’s been quite a show to watch him transform his narrative right before our eyes to this “new generation” Republican…”
The highly regarded National Journal also called out DeMaio for his deceitful practices today, saying that DeMaio appears to have plagiarized a report he claimed his office researched and compiled.
Their headline said this:
“California Republican Appears to Plagiarize to Make Case Against Opponent: Carl DeMaio claims he has done investigative work, but his database looks just like National Journal’s, right down to the color scheme.”
“I’m sure the national press are dumbfounded by Mr. DeMaio’s complete disregard for ethical practices, but sadly, here in San Diego, no one is too surprised,” Lyon said. “Our campaign will be based on facts, reminding voters about Mr. DeMaio’s record of Tea Party extremism and of the fact that he just can’t be trusted,” she added.